75 Ways to Lease Commercial Space

  1. Install professionally designed and produced for lease sign
  2. Put your pylon to work as a leasing sign
  3. Ask yourself what type of tenant would want to be here and look for them-canvassing
  4. Use the Yellow Pages to brainstorm types of tenants
  5. Mobilize your people resources – trade area blitzing
  6. Utilize business opportunity meetings
  7. Attend and cultivate franchise opportunities – trade shows
  8. Use direct and mass mailing starting with a radius of the property
  9. Solicit with technology – place ads on web search engines
  10. List with Hire MICHIGAN Commercial Properties for access to member only MLS platforms
  11. Canvass trade shows
  12. Network, network, network
  13. Consider becoming a retailer
  14. Use print advertising selectively
  15. Recruit temporary tenants
  16. Use incentives to tempt tenants
  17. Publicity releases
  18. Contact existing tenants for leads
  19. Use movie theatre advertisements
  20. Get to know your area real estate brokers
  21. Incubate tenants to maturity
  22. Install leasing brochure boxes
  23. Utilize billboards
  24. Educate the center manager to canvass
  25. Know the strengths and/or weaknesses of your center
  26. Remember service tenants
  27. Be reluctant to accept NO for an answer
  28. Do not say no for the tenant e.g. “they’re too upscale etc.”
  29. Investigate who is advertising in local newspapers for help wanted
  30. Observe national publications for feature articles on retailers
  31. Make use of trade and industry specific publications
  32. Contact local newspapers and business associations for leads
  33. Follow up with correspondence
  34. Educate your entire company about your center
  35. Change negative images, e.g. rename
  36. Set up a leasing office on site
  37. List with MICHIGAN Commercial Properties because they do many of these for you
  38. Produce a video of the center
  39. Consider the potential of an ethnic center
  40. Establish a rapport with your local SBA office
  41. Buy a retail store
  42. Convert the center into a specialty center
  43. Canvass surrounding states for anchors
  44. Prepare a fact sheet on local tenants unfamiliar to national tenants being pursued
  45. Prepare a “Wish List” and identify specific locations and tenants to occupy
  46. Commit to television and radio to promote your center indirectly/directly
  47. Barter with vendors
  48. Offer incentives to make a second deal
  49. Network with your local banker
  50. Contact jobber (distributors of goods to smaller retail outlets)
  51. Approach manufacturers to consider retailing
  52. Develop a short form lease for “Mom & Pop” tenants
  53. Reimburse tenants for their advertising, if it includes your center, as an incentive
  54. Be helpful to existing tenants by offering additional space on a success fee basis
  55. Join groups to improve networking possibilities
  56. Approach private educational institutions
  57. Consider using anchor space as a flea market
  58. Advertise near the successful, competing shopping center
  59. Offer space to all of the shopping center tenants in your trade area
  60. Advertise through the use of inflatable’s
  61. Use your personal sphere of influence to ask for referrals
  62. Get to know store managers
  63. Offer small tenants completed stores
  64. Consider buying out short term leases, if practical
  65. Lower initial rent
  66. Offer “kick-out” clauses
  67. Act convincing
  68. Know the traffic counts, but don’t exaggerate
  69. Have thorough knowledge of demographics of “trade area”
  70. Use “creative” negotiation skills, e.g. free rent, half rent, buy out their existing lease
  71. Suggest shorter terms, e.g. 23 months, 18 months, etc.
  72. Research tenants on the internet and send them a proposal
  73. Subscribe to trade publications that introduce new and/or expanding tenants
  74. Purchase Email lists & send brochure
  75. List with MICHIGAN Commercial Properties because vacancy loss is your No.1 expense.

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